Rhea Saran's blog

Art as public service

A play about Osama bin Laden is meant to stir up debate about public policy and terrorism.

Digital self expression

Your profile photo on Friendster could be art.

License to play

It's not just the little guys. Established artistes are also being cheated by big corporations.

Politics and the Arts

Chinese playing Japanese? Englishmen playing Indians? They're actors -- it's what they do!

The Da Vinci Challenge

Film studios are now promoting criticism of their upcoming releases?? Whoa!

Let's treat them like royalty

A work of art lasts forever. The artist's commercial rights should, too.

The Alex awards, anyone?

Forget the Met. Original artwork is now at Blockbuster!

Visual media and activism

What do Peter Gabriel and Angelina Jolie have in common besides being entertainers?

Reviving the arts

Cutbacks and reorganization in print media has resulted in meagre arts reporting -- the situation needs to be salvaged.

Democratization of media

In an age when we can personalize every aspect of entertainment according to individual tastes, it's hardly surprising that ordinary people are now contributing to the creative process itself.

Books are meant for reading

Planning on listening to your next book? You might be missing out on some of the details that only print can provide.

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