Starlet Johansson

For those who really don't care about the people who star in the movies they watch, celebrity gossip could not be of less interest. But for those who don't care but still like to hear about beautiful girls (sorry, this is written by a guy), images of Scarlett Johansson will surely grab their attention.

Scarlett Johansson?

You know, she is that 21 year old blond actress who stars in Match Point, the latest Woody Allen movie.

Woody Allen?

What are you doing here? This is a blog about movies, get the hell out of here!

Scarlett is considered by our friend Wilkipedia as both a serious actress and a sex symbol. And tomorrow, the Vanity Fair Hollywood edition will print some sexy naked pictures of the serious actress taken by the serious photographer Annie Leibovitz.

It is true that she didn't look very serious when her breasts were touched on air by the serious designer Isaac Mizrahi a few weeks ago on the red carpet at the Golden Globes.

But this is exactly what makes someone a star, a lack of seriousness outside of the movie set.

This is the kind of thing Reese Witherspoon didn't have when she said in W: "There is something in the zeitgeist (I feel like quoting Heidegger) right now about women portraying themselves as stupid [...] It irritates me that the sort of fad that stupidity is cute' might really be doing some serious damage. It's the cheap answer, and let's hope that their moment fades." Weird quote from the star of Legally Blond 1 & 2.

Aaaaaahhhhh, Hollywood !