By Caroline Binham
My portfolio project is centered on the theme of egg donation and assisted reproduction. Despite ads featuring smiling, chubby babies — who, after all, are meant to be the process' end product — egg donation can be a murky, unregulated underworld of gene transaction, where babies remain just that — products.
Yet thousands of women are prepared to donate their eggs every year for an ever-increasing demand: one in ten couples are infertile in the United States, according to statistics from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. In 1991, there were 63 programs offering I.V.F. treatment in America. By 1995, that number jumped to 189.
My body of work is comprised of a series of articles, each examining a different perspective of this sensitive, personal and contested issue. The aim was to create a portfolio that ranges from the personal, zooming out to the larger debate and its ramifications: the micro to the macro.
Back to Caroline Binham's portfolio
What Makes an Egg Jewish?
The Egg Market: the (Lack of) Regulation of the Egg Donation Industry
Eggs: an investigative report into the murky world of the egg donation industry.