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    Noam Chomsky, Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel and the Palestinians (South End Press, 1983)
    Reissued in paperback by South End Press in 1999.

    The Fateful Triangle is Noam Chomsky's thoughtfully dense consideration of Middle East politics. Chomsky writes that the purpose of the book is "to bring out certain elements of the 'special relationship' between the U.S. and Israel, and of their relationships to the original inhabitants" of Palestine. Published in 1983, the book examines the connections between political leaders, the American media, and public opinion, and how the ideas born from these relationships informed state policy. Almost half of the book is devoted to the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon; in particular, Chomsky details the civilian casualties and human rights violations of the Israelis against the Palestinians. The coverage of the conflict by the Western media is also called into question, as Chomsky argues that the media reported with a pro-Israel bias. The book was reprinted in 1999, and now includes an introduction by late Palestinian thinker Edward Said.

    In 1985, the Library Journal wrote that the book was "a devastating collection of charges aimed at Israeli and American policies that affect the Palestinian Arabs negatively." In 2001, the Journal of Islamic Studies wrote, "indeed it is the quality of the book which has proven to be so enduring, whether one disagrees or agrees, partially or entirely, with Chomsky's dynamic telling of the story."

    Official Noam Chomsky web site
    Noam Chomsky Archive on Znet