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    Chip Brown, Afterwards, You're a Genius: Faith, Medicine, and the Metaphysics of Healing (Penguin, 1998)
    Reissued in paperback by Riverhead Books, 2000

    Award-winning magazine writer Chip Brown takes us on a partly self-motivated (he had love problems) and partly existential (there must be something more mysterious, he says again and again, other than cells and systems) jaunt through the world of alternative medicine, stopping along the way with psychics and spirit guides, "therapeutic touch" practitioners, and other non-traditionalist healers, in an attempt to understand the impulses behind alternative medicine, while avoiding the tendency to approach it as if he were a rapt fanatic or an unshakable skeptic.

    Katherine Riegel wrote in the Chicago Tribune, Afterwards, You're a Genius never convinces the reader one way or the other, and certainly the numerous other books on the subject, inevitably less even-handed and thoroughly researched than Brown's, can give us no credible answer. But one can't help feeling that Brown should allow himself to question some of his experiences without chucking his hope altogether. Healing touch/energy work/therapeutic touch are not magic cure-alls but may help alleviate suffering and promote whole-person health." (Feb 21, 1999.)

    Brown's Website