Women, Cancer and Community
By Jasmin Malik Chua
After graduating from NYU with a master of science in biomedical journalism, I began work at MAMM Magazine, the only national consumer publication devoted to women with breast and reproductive cancers. As assistant editor, I assign and edit stories, copy edit, fact-check, and wrangle articles from cancer journals into a more reader-friendly form for our lay audience, so that complex science and policy issues can be made accessible to everyone.
During my time in the portfolio program, I worked on the similarly convoluted issue of children's mental health, with a focus on the state of New York.
No matter how one does the math, the numbers remain disconcerting. Five to ten percent of American children have serious mental health disorders, according to federal officials. About 60 to 70 percent of those who have mental health disorders such as attention-deficit disorder, autism, and chronic and bipolar depression, do not get the treatment that they need.
No other set of conditions is close in magnitude of its deleterious effects on children and youth between the ages of 1 and 19. Children with these disorders are at a much increased risk for dropping out of school and of not being fully functional members of society in adulthood. Furthermore, child mental disorders persist into adulthood and the cost to society becomes high in both human and fiscal terms.
Back to Jasmin Malik Chua's portfolio
Climb Aboard "Howl's Moving Castle"
[MAMM Magazine] Fertile Hopes
[MAMM Magazine] Sisters Get Into The Act
[MAMM Magazine] When Reconstruction's An Option
[MAMM Magazine] Web of Medical Information
[Big Apple Parent] Adopt-A-Classroom
[The Scientist] Zyomyx Releases New Protein Array System
[The Scientist] Protometrix Readies Whole-Proteome Array
[Archeaology Magazine] Crisis at the Smithsonian
[Big Apple Parent] A Reunion for Two Special Kids