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Kashmir Mandolin Hill
Breaking Media, New York, NY
Associate Editor, AboveTheLaw.com
Write daily posts on legal topics and news
2008 - present
The Week, New York, NY
Editorial intern
Responsible for fact-checking, story research, and writing blurbs for travel and consumer pages
Fall 2008
International Herald Tribune, Hong Kong, China
Olympics/web intern
Managed website content, edited photos, and created multimedia features
Compiled sports score data and did layout for “Scoreboard” feature in the print newspaper
Summer 2008
National Press Foundation, Washington, DC
Projects Manager
Organized educational programs for journalists, around the U.S. and in such locations as Kenya, Canada, China and Australia
Managed an annual thousand-person black tie journalism awards dinner generating $600,000 in revenue
2005 - 2008
The Washington Examiner, Washington, DC
Covered crime, transportation, city council hearings, and local news during externship with the D.C.-based newspaper
Fall 2007
New York University, New York, NY
M.A. Magazine Journalism, program completion in December 2009
2008 - present
Duke University, Durham, NC
B.A. Italian & European Studies, minor in Political Science, magna cum laude
1999 - 2003; Duke in Florence: Fall, 2001