The Not-So Private Parts
By Kashmir Mandolin Hill
To what extent do we still care about violation of privacy? With the advent of social networking sites where individuals lay bare the details of their lives, and the privacy sacrifices made in the name of safety and security, some might suggest we've entered a post-private age. Which aspects of privacy do we willingly sacrifice, and why?
When does privacy matter and when does it not? The conventional wisdom is that Europeans distrust corporations, while Americans worry more about government invading their privacy. Is that still true? How is that changing?
I'm exploring how our society negotiates privacy, protection, and exhibitionism. When privacy comes into conflict with security, efficiency, and socializing, how do we balance them?
Keep track of my work at True/Slant: The Not-So Private Parts.
I am a master's candidate in magazine writing at NYU's Arthur Carter Institute of Journalism. I am also the associate editor of AboveTheLaw.com, where I blog about the legal industry, law firms, and colorful personalities in the law.
View my booklist.
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Recent Work:
Above The Law article review: Portfolio Magazine's "Slimed Online"
Above The Law: Fordham Law School's Dossier on Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
True/Slant: When We Want Our Information To Go Viral