Mental Health: Policy and Law
By Freda Moon
My portfolio topic, mental health and the law, was a look at the experiences of those with serious mental illness in the American criminal justice system. The beat took me inside Riker's Island to interview inmates, into New York's treatment-centered mental health courts to observe reforms at work and into the homes of families with a mentally ill member in long-term solitary confinement.
After graduating from NYU's masters program in 2006, I worked as a staff writer at the alt-weekly New Haven Advocate in New Haven, Conn., writing on topics ranging from the presidential campaigns of Chris Dodd and Dennis Kucinich, New Haven's radical restaurant scene, Sarah Silverman's raunchy sisterhood, illegal dumping along the Housatonic River, the re-opening of a 13-year-old murder case...and on and on.
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Recent Work:
dirtier fingernails & cleaner minds
Clips: Cover Stories
Clips: Food Stories
Clips: Mental Health
Poetry in Felt and Slate
Draining rivers to flush toilets (and water pot plants)
A Fourth of July Homecoming: A Mendocino Story
My Big, Fat Hippie Wedding
A New York Weekend on $100
The Oldest Story in America