Bright Lights, Big City
By Janelle Nanos
A collection of my work at New York Magazine and other freelance assignments.
Throughout the course of my career, I have always found myself drawn to the place where politics and culture collide, and fortunately, I've had the opportunity to look at both issues from either side. After graduating from Boston College, where I pursued a degree in English and American Studies and worked at the Improper Bostonian, an arts and entertainment magazine, I switched gears completely, taking a job in Governor Pataki's homeland security office in New York State. In a matter of months, I went from writing book reviews and previewing gallery exhibits to conducting counter-terrorism research, all while absorbing the shifting cultural nuances of a city still recovering from crisis.
It is the sum of these experiences that pushed me into journalism school, where I have been able to pursue my desire to educate and influence public policy though ideas, words, and commentary. In the program, I developed a body of work focused on security and the influence it's had on our culture and was awarded a fellowship from NYU based on my outstanding reporting.
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Recent Work:
New York Magazine Archive
Return of the Golden Chariots, and Other Gospel Groups
Agencies Join Forces to Aid Older Tenants
Older Residents Meet City's Challenge in Walking Shoes
Entering This Hall of Fame Takes Heart (And One Spaldeen) - (The New York Times 7/4/05)
The Tao of Cheez Wiz (Nerve.com)
Lots of Privacy - and No Bars (Newsday 6/20/05)
Mother Jones Archive
City Limits Articles
The Watchers (The Village Voice)