Growing Up Muslim in America
By Anju Mary Paul
It's tough enough being a teenager. But what are the specific challenges faced by teens when they're also Muslims in New York City, and the children of immigrants? How has 9/11 affected the way these children look at their adopted and native countries? How do they define their hyphenated identities? How does their religion affect their social lives? How do they find husbands and wives for themselves? These are the questions I set out to answer...
I have written for a variety of publications from The Brooklyn Rail to Publishers Weekly, to an online alternative magazine, In The Fray. I am currently a staff editor with In The Fray, in charge of their travel section.
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Recent Work:
The Making of an American
Ayesha and Me
Fear and Loathing in London
Girls Just Want To Have Fun
Mothers And Daughters
Spicing Up Political Poetry