Class of 2005
Anju Mary Paul
Cultural reporter and editor
It's tough enough being a teenager. But what are the specific challenges faced by teens when they're also Muslims in New York City, and the children of immigrants? How has 9/11 affected the way these children look at their adopted and native countries? How do they define their hyphenated identities? How does their religion affect their social lives? How do they find husbands and wives for themselves? These are the questions I set out to answer...
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Class of 2004
Jason Boog
A Guatemalan boy asked me once, "Do people die in the United States too?" He'd seen too many people die in his poor village and imagined that life was somehow perfect here. Hundreds of thousands of Latin Americans come to the U.S. chasing after equally unrealistic dreams about America. But when I read about racial tensions dividing neighborhoods in Queens or the immigrant fight to earn a living wage, I think that U.S. citizens have some equally harmful misconceptions and attitudes about these new arrivals as well. My portfolio will explore fantasies and stereotypes from both sides, focusing on how we learn to share America.
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Erin Bruehl
Writer and Reporter
Since fall 2005, I have been a high school sports reporter for The Journal News, a Gannett daily paper in Westchester County, NY.
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Ian Daly
Assistant Editor, Details magazine
I write about everything from business to science, from politics to street art. My stories have appeared in Details, Esquire, The Brooklyn Rail, the NYU Alumni Magazine, and Recount. I am currently assistant editor of Details Magazine.
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Neil Parmar
Reporter and Writer
This selection of work stems from my time as a graduate student within New York University's "portfolio" program, a two-semester honors track where articles focus on a subject area or theme. After creating a beat centered around New Yorkers with a mental or physical disability, I broadened my scope to look at deviations from the societal "norm."
For a collection of more recent works, please visit www.neilparmar.ca
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David Puner
writer / reporter / generalist
Retirement is much more than checking out of an office on one's 65th birthday and checking into a Florida retirement community with Wilford Brimley and his gang from "Cocoon."
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Kersten Swinyard
The interplay among the five freedoms guaranteed in the First Amendment (freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly and petition) form the core of speech protection in the United States. Those freedoms are also at the crux of popular culture, court cases, and a million invocations of the First Amendment in causes from hard-core pornography to religious pamphleteering. I am studying the intersection of the First Amendment and daily life--the junction of historical lore and present application.
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Class of 2003
Megha Bahree
My portfolio is about the Palestinian community as new immigrants in New York City, with a focus on how 9/11 is affecting them (backlash continues to date) and how the Israel-Palestine situation is shaping their lives here.
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Marjory Garrison
editor and writer
You can find me at M+R Strategic Services, a public relations, government affairs and campaign consulting firm.
I also serve as the City Editor for The Brooklyn Rail, an award-winning monthly journal covering arts and politics in Brooklyn.
For clips, visit brooklynrail.org or contact me at margieruth@gmail.com
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Heather Marie Graham
Editor and writer interested in almost anything that sparks her curiosity. Particular areas of interest include politics, women's issues and pop culture. Co-founder and editor
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Julie Leupold
Managing Editor, Daily Journal (real estate section)
No one can pinpoint quite when it started. But somewhere before women won the right to vote and after the God created the world, feminism was born. Throughout the evolution of this broad social movement, women haven't always agreed on the principles they were fighting for, with perhaps the exception of one – equality of the sexes. By the time the Baby Boomer generation dominated the workforce, women could vote, register for credit cards, join the military, pile up higher education degrees and run multi-million dollar companies. In the most fundamental analysis, parity between the sexes had been achieved. Now comes my generation. Many women today aren't satisfied with being equal to men – they want to be men. From casual sex to cutthroat boardroom deals, the little girls who were "sugar and spice and everything nice," grew up to be anything but. Below you will find a serious of articles tracing women in all stages of the feminist movement, culminating in an examination of my "sex in the city" generation in an attempt to define fourth wave feminism.
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Lela Moore
Editor and writer
Medicine and ethics cross - and often become hopelessly tangled - over the issue of organ donation. My work explores both my personal experience and relationship with a transplant recipient as well as the ethical issues surrounding donation and transplant surgery.
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Class of 2002
Caroline Binham
Reporter and editor
My portfolio project is centered on the theme of egg donation and assisted reproduction. Despite ads featuring smiling, chubby babies — who, after all, are meant to be the process' end product — egg donation can be a murky, unregulated underworld of gene transaction, where babies remain just that — products.
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Erik Boland
Sports Reporter, Newsday
Sports is filled with stories that transcend simply what happens on the field. I enjoy stories, particularly with lesser known athletes, that explore their struggles and achievements, their tragedies and triumphs.
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Marjorie Conley
Journalist Specializing in French and European Affairs
The French 2002 presidential elections triggered a political earthquake that rocked the nation and the world. Although radical, Jean-Marie Le Pen and his Far Right National Front Party rallied sufficient support to oust the moderate popular Left and fracture further an already divided French society.
The political discussions surrounding the elections and the attacks on, immigration, crime and the establsihed elite sparked debates surrounding equality in education, spatial exclusion, integration and immigration. This project examines the divisions in contemporary French society and how the nation is reflecting on these issues.
See my work
Maria Kostaki
writer, editor
"The Russians are Coming! The Russians Are Here!" read a headline in The New York Times on September 7th, 1980, a reference to the wave of immigrants from the Soviet Union then settling on the shores of Brooklyn's Brighton Beach. Their arrival during the late 1970s and early 1980s revived a forgotten, rundown neighborhood on the shores of the Atlantic. Their arrival was the third and largest of the century—the first occurred after the Russian Revolution, and the second, after the Second World War. Those arriving as of the early 1970s were largely Jews, escaping religious persecution, under an agreement between Leonid Brezhnev and Jimmy Carter. Half of the 70,000 Russians that came to the United States, settled in New York City, establishing a Russian enclave in Brighton Beach.
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Jasmin Malik Chua
Biomedical journalist and editor
After graduating from NYU with a master of science in biomedical journalism, I began work at MAMM Magazine, the only national consumer publication devoted to women with breast and reproductive cancers. As assistant editor, I assign and edit stories, copy edit, fact-check, and wrangle articles from cancer journals into a more reader-friendly form for our lay audience, so that complex science and policy issues can be made accessible to everyone.
During my time in the portfolio program, I worked on the similarly convoluted issue of children's mental health, with a focus on the state of New York.
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David McKenzie
Broadcast and Print Journalist
I am particularly interested in reporting the variety of life that surrounds us. Whether it is in the foothills of Nepal or the townships of Cape Town, I am interested in how real people live and how their private lives link with a greater problem or trend.
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Gabrielle Menezes
Reporter, Voice of America
I became interested in journalism through human rights reporting. I grew up in Zimbabwe. As Mugabe curtailed press freedoms, I became more interested in journalism. My background has made me realise what an important role journalism plays in keeping governments accountable and democratic.
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Aleksandra Todorova
Reporter, SmartMoney.com
Two weeks after graduating from NYU's Magazine Journalism program--with an exhausting but memorable semester in Portfolio--I started work as a reporter at SmartMoney.com, a Dow Jones publication affiliated with SmartMoney Magazine and the Wall Street Journal. I report on a variety of personal finance topics, including debt management and identity theft, and write an advice column, service pieces and investigative stories.
During my semester in the Portfolio program, I wrote about illegal immigrants in post-911 New York City.
See my work
Michael Woodsworth
I intend to construct intimate portraits of some of the individuals and groups participating in what has commonly been mislabeled the "anti-globalization movement." Though many activists recoil at the thought of labeling themselves at all, most prefer the term "global justice movement" if one must be used.
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Amy Zimmer
Writer and Editor
I zoom in on details—a young woman's breath as her trainer wraps her hands before entering the ring to spar, the tilt of a tough boy's hat as he hangs out on a street corner waiting for a girl to call, the stingray cowboy boots an anti-art New York gallery owner wears as remnants from his life down south.
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