Dancing in the Streets
By Amy Zimmer
I zoom in on details—a young woman's breath as her trainer wraps her hands before entering the ring to spar, the tilt of a tough boy's hat as he hangs out on a street corner waiting for a girl to call, the stingray cowboy boots an anti-art New York gallery owner wears as remnants from his life down south.
These are the details that draw me into stories about women boxers, kids in gangs hanging out in Chinatown, and artists trying to start businesses. These are the details of people's struggles to carve out their own space in this big city. These are the details that shape narratives and reveal something about human experience. My work focuses on the local. It celebrates a ground level, or rather, street level view. The on-line publication Street Level grew out of my fascination with the narrative style of literary journalism and the direct contact of saturation reporting. Each issue focuses on one New York City street. Each issue tells the stories of people, buildings, events, and social movements related to the selected street's past and present, and each street tells stories of cultural, political and economic boundaries that shape the "idea" of a city. Street Level also serves to connect the people of the selected street to each other by presenting a space to share the various stories of a specific location.
Back to Amy Zimmer's portfolio
Special Project:
Street Level
NYC Chinatown Garment Association Builds Ties with China
Journey to the Golden Mountain
Shadow World: Battle On Net
Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Playgrounds and Iron Fences: Seward Park's Makeover
Fightclub for Girlfight
On the Streets of New York