Ryan McConnell's blog

Poor Journalism: The Price of a Free Press

Judith Miller? Jayson Blair? All ethical lightweights compared to this story coming from Ireland. Apparently the U.S. press has competition when it comes to unscrupulous behavior.

Submitted by Ryan McConnell on November 17, 2005 - 1:14am.

Media Critics: The Only People Who Don't Watch TV

CBS's Public Eye blog says that that media critics focus too much energy scrutinizing print, giving television and radio short shrift. Looking at my own work as an amateur media critic supports his line of criticism. Maybe it's time to pick up the remote?

Submitted by Ryan McConnell on November 16, 2005 - 4:17pm.

Agenda-Driven Reporting

Why let the facts get in the way of a good story?

Submitted by Ryan McConnell on November 16, 2005 - 2:47pm.

Circulation Down, Advertising Up

As newspapers' circulations continue their precipitous decline, marketers are capitalizing, blurring the line between advertising and content. But what happens when the "next big thing" in advertising fails yet again?

Submitted by Ryan McConnell on November 9, 2005 - 2:45am.

Honey, I Plugged Your Article Today!

If you're married to an fellow writer, is it proper to cite his work in an on-air radio interview? A NPR personality says there's nothing wrong with the practice; her company's ombudsman felt differently.

Submitted by Ryan McConnell on November 9, 2005 - 1:56am.

Solutions to Journalism's Ills

A newspaper reporter for the past 50 years sees a lot wrong with journalism today and proposes sound, practical advice based around increasing transparency.

Submitted by Ryan McConnell on November 8, 2005 - 3:06pm.

Brown Out at CNN

CNN's Aaron Brown was fired yesterday. I think I'm the only one who'll actually miss him and his goofy, throwback style.

Submitted by Ryan McConnell on November 3, 2005 - 9:45am.

Critic For Hire

Influential food critic John Mariani recently wrote the annual "Top 20 Restaurants" guide in Esquire. Does it matter that a several restaurants on his list not only knew of his presence, but also "comped" his meal and flight?

Submitted by Ryan McConnell on November 2, 2005 - 4:11pm.

USA TODAY 'Demonizes' Condoleeza Rice

Another photojournalism ethics scandal erupted last week. Was the USA TODAY being malicious by doctoring a photo of Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, or was it simply a mistake?

Submitted by Ryan McConnell on November 2, 2005 - 12:07pm.

Synergy Sells At "60 Minutes"

Michael Jordan hasn't been in the news in years and his new book, by all accounts, is a yawner. So why did "60 Minutes" air a segment about the retired basketball star this past Sunday night?

Submitted by Ryan McConnell on October 26, 2005 - 3:44pm.

Ooh, Catfight!

Why is Maureen Dowd's critique of Judith Miller being universally referred to as a "catfight"? Must the media stoop to latent sexism every time a woman criticizes another woman?

Submitted by Ryan McConnell on October 26, 2005 - 12:51pm.

The Liberal New York Times?

Google search "Liberal" and "New York Times" and you get 12,400,000 results. It's such a well-established fact that the "Paper of Record" is liberal that their own former public editor explicitly admitted as much. But a perusal of today's op-ed columns shows, if anything, a conservative/liberarian tilt. Is it possible that the Times isn't as liberal as we all presume?

Submitted by Ryan McConnell on October 25, 2005 - 2:30pm.

The Rumor Mill

Popular blogger Andrew Sullivan today publicized unsubstantiated rumors about Vice President Dick Cheney getting implicated in the Valerie Plame affair. Though he admitted his sourcing is "light" and that it could just be "Capitol Hill buzz," he advocates that the public deserves to know such rumors. Is this the future of journalism?

Submitted by Ryan McConnell on October 19, 2005 - 1:54pm.

Magazine Industry: Credibility More Important Than $$$

"Magazine Editors Buck Marketers"? Advertisers will be "disappointed"? Is it possible that the industry is actually acting in an ethical manner?

Submitted by Ryan McConnell on October 19, 2005 - 1:50am.

Krugman: Don't Trust the Press

Paul Krugman believes the press corps is inherently biased against liberal candidates and cares more about ratings and their own career advancement over informing the public. A closer look at the NY Times' liberal op-ed columnist latest media criticism.

Submitted by Ryan McConnell on October 19, 2005 - 1:16am.
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