Leave it to the Democrats to grovel even after a resounding victory

After sweeping at least 27 seats in the House, it seems like Nancy Pelosi is in a good position to use some strong victory language, isn't she?

Instead, she appeared to forget Bush's dismal ratings and spoke of a friendly phone call from the president early in the morning, and a planned lunch date with him for Thursday, as reported in the Washington Post.

At more buttoned-down media events throughout the day, Pelosi made it a point to promise repeatedly to work with the Republicans who her party had just drummed.

"Democrats are ready to lead, prepared to govern, and looking forward to working in a bipartisan way with the Republicans in Congress and with the president of the United States," Pelosi said. She planned to have lunch Thursday at the White House with Bush.

Don't politicians usually use conciliatory language about bipartisan cooperation when they lose and will be forced to work with the other party to get anything done?

Maybe the Dems are just out of practice using the language of the victor.

I'm not saying partisanship is good for politics.

It just seems like the Dems are missing an opportunity to celebrate Americans' clear rejection of the Bush Administration.

Todd Watson @ November 8, 2006 - 9:13pm

I don't know, its honorable not to gloat. Pelosi would risk debasing herself if she celebrated too much. I think she pulled it off in fine form.

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