Covicted Sex Fiends Maybe Living a Door Away. . .

For all those who live in public housing, you could be living next door to someof New York City’s biggest sex fiends. According to an interesting article I read in Sunday’s Daily News, there are more than 200 registered sex offenders living in New York City public housing. When reading this article, I was extremely shocked that the government would allow these felons to live in a place with women and small children. The article even made mention that earlier last week a registered sex offender living in Ravenswood Houses, in Long Island City, Queens, attacked a woman at the complex. I’m thinking this issue has been a failure of the government to keep a close watch on criminals, post jail release. “The practice is a violation of both New York City Housing Authority policy and a federal law that prohibits sex offenders from living in federally funded public housing developments,” the Daily New said. Did you guys know about this? Do you think these criminals slipped through the governmental cracks?

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