Adspace in YourSpace

Normally, I have the time to tab elsewhere (thanks Mozilla!) and wait for the video to get past the ads. Or, I purposely avoid moving the cursor over ad space in the margins - wary of what might pop up, or out, at me - and navigate to what I am looking for. Lately, however, even carful browsing over the various news sites, some of which were already mentioned, has not given me the safety of avoidance I previously had.

After freshly arriving on CNN's site, cars were driving across my screen from the upper right corner, and advertisement "shadows" were flickering across the print as I moved my mouse toward a story. Frustrating. No suggestion here, I doubt any would be taken, I'm just grousing. I don't actually envision any reprieve. I do believe, however, that advertising dollars will create ad space and marketing venues tomorrow that would surprise us today.

Listening to Market Place Morning Report on National Public Radio's Morning Edition just this morning revealed one such advertising campaign. TiVo is considering allowing advertisers to pay for time, ads, at the end of programs. TiVo, specifically, is a subscription service people pay for to avoid commercials and advertising. I wonder, will people simply roll over, turn the channel, and accept this? The power of dollars goes both ways. Perhaps many will cancel their subscriptions. But, then again, I haven't cancelled my cable internet. Perhaps we'll all just grouse together.

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