Bill O'Reilly's hate speech?

Bill O'Reilly launched a wave of criticism on the Internet by saying on his radio talk show "I just wish Katrina had only hit the United Nations building, nothing else, just had flooded them out. And I wouldn't have rescued them."

Many websites have criticized Bill O'Reilly for this comment. They called people to "speak out againt against O'Reilly's hate speech". O'Reilly responded to them in his talking points memo on Fox News. He just said that "we exaggerate on the radio".

He is probably right. And I think he has the right to say such things on the radio or on TV, without having to apologize. For example, do you criticize Jon Stewart for not being accurate, or Jay Leno for exaggerating things?

The only problem is that Bill O'Reilly still pretends he does "fair and balanced" journalism. This is just not true and miguiding. But I guess (or hope) many of his listeners and viewers are aware of that anyway.

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