Stating the Obvious... Again

Don’t go anywhere unless you don’t have to. That’s it? That’s the wisdom from on high that we’ve all been waiting for, the advice that’s going to help us lower gas prices and conserve energy? Wow…

But then, what more can we expect from a president who set out from day one to make sure everyone knew that conservation was not going to be part of his energy policy? This is probably the president with the worst environmental record of all time. Instead of imposing higher has mileage standards on auto makers, he has worked very hard to create giant loopholes for SUV makers and people who drive them. Instead of creating a tax break for people who conserve gas or buy hybrid cars, he has declared that the Alaskan wilderness needs to be torn apart for about 40 years’ worth of oil.

So why the half-hearted advice now? Because gas prices are through the roof and – since people always vote their wallets – his approval ratings are down.

What, you didn’t think he has started to care about conservation, did you?

Rhea Saran @ September 27, 2005 - 11:25pm

I was also mildly disturbed by the third paragraph of the Times article:

Mr. Bush promised to dip further into the government's petroleum reserve, if necessary, and to continue relaxing environmental and transportation rules in an effort to get more gasoline flowing.

He's going to continue relaxing environmental rules? And that's not worth a story in itself?

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