Stranger than Fiction

The Guardian reports today that Arctic ice is melting at record levels, and global warming is out of control. According to the article, this month an extra 500,000 square miles of ice were melted, “an area twice the size of Texas.” This will undoubtedly have an effect on the Earth’s weather (as if it hasn’t already). There is, however, a glimmer of hope: If we can lower the atmospheric temperature, then the ice will come back.

Unfortunately, our government seems little concerned with making policies that will work towards a better environment. As reported on, today the Senate Environment and Public Works held a meeting to discuss science and policy-making, at which fiction writer (anti-environmentalist) Michael Crichton was a featured speaker. His latest book was apparently a big hit with those at the meeting, as its plot line was about a scientist who fabricates a study on global warming in order to get funding for his project.

Ok, let's recap: the scientists are lying about global warming, not the government, and our expert is a fiction writer with an apparent agenda. Man, I am going to miss that Arctic ice.

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