In Other News

The mainstream media seems to be entangled in a continuous battle to cover the same stories with different angles. The tussle over who can get the best quote, or pinpoint the controversy can get quite tiresome at times. After all how many angles can there be in Judith Miller’s release from prison?

However, big national dailies and news networks are compelled to cover it, and try to be as innovative as possible. Sometimes it’s relaxing to move away from the hype of the breaking story and pick up a local paper.

I found this story in the Hartford Courant about the Muslim chaplain of the New York fire department resigning his post after he made some controversial comments about 9/11. It was interesting, as using this incident as a premise, the story tapped into a bigger more controversial question of the Muslim world’s conspiracy theories about 9/11. Reminds me of a quote one of my professors’ introduced us to, ‘There are a million stories in the naked city.’

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