Why is ABC Trying to Scare Me?

I am sure that by now you have all read about the imminent threat of the Avian Flu, or just the bird flu as it is now being called, and how our wonderful government has pretty much slept through the whole thing until now. Many reports make no bones about criticizing the administration for dropping the ball on this one, and there was quite a journalistic field day when Bush said in a press meeting that he thought we should use the military to enforce quarantines if an epidemic hit the U.S.

The life of this story has been pretty turbulent, and I can’t help but be suspicious that some reports are taking advantage of the post-Katrina cultural climate where it pretty much feels like the world is going to end any day now for all of us. An ABC News Primetime Investigation report that ran on September 15 headlined “Avian Flu: Is the Government Ready for an Epidemic?” said that according to “Dr. Irwin Redlener, director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health” (wow, that is one long title):

"If we had a significant worldwide epidemic of this particular avian flu, the H5N1 virus, and it hit the United States and the world, because it would be everywhere at once, I think we would see outcomes that would be virtually impossible to imagine," he warns. Already, officials in London are quietly looking for extra morgue space to house the victims of the H5N1 virus, a never-before-seen strain of flu. Scientists say this virus could pose a far greater threat than smallpox, AIDS or anthrax."

First off, I question the veracity of the fact that London is looking for morgue space. That sounds more like a rumor and like something that hasn't been fact-checked. But it does make for the perfect hysteria-inducing quote.

Then, on September 29, ABC News Primetime reported once again on the flu. Much of the information was derived from the newly appointed U.N. avian flu czar, David Nabarro, who warned that the flu could kill as many as 150 million people, and that he was “certain” there will be an outbreak soon.

The most recent news about the flu focuses on the latest development where scientists have recreated the “Spanish flu” that broke out in 1918, as well as more criticism for Bush for not acting sooner. But nothing is nearly as apocalyptic as the reports from ABC News. What does a news organization have to gain from scaring its readers? My guess would be that it is that sort of news that keeps people riveted, on the edge of their seats. I mean, this is the stuff blockbuster films are made of. While I believe that the flu virus is something our government (along with the rest of the world) should be focusing on, I do not think staying informed and being so scared I won't leave my apartment are in the same category. Responsible news should report the facts and not play to our fears and emotions.

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