Save a Tree, Make a Vlogcast

Let’s get this out of the way up front: I love my iPod Shuffle, and I love Lost.

So even though I have no intention of upgrading, the Apple iPod Video intrigues me, but not just because I could watch Lost on it for $2.

It also means that “vloggers” are going to be on the rise. They already exist, after all. Just look at Kevin Sites.

So, we take a generation of bloggers with cameras and podcasters with big ideas, and we’re facing the birth of the “vlogosphere”. BuzzMachine touched on this.

Newspapers are in trouble, supposedly. Does the rise of the vlogosphere mean that text-only bloggers like us are already an endangered species?

We all know internet media is the future, right? But then, we also know that video killed the radio star, so how secure are those jobs, after all?

Personally, I kind of like the idea of video blogs available to be downloaded onto a pocket-sized video device. Very The Jetsons. But my concentration is Newspaper, not Broadcast.

Well, hopefully by the time this becomes a major crisis, either iPod will have a scrolling text option for text-only blogs, or I’ll have my own airbrush artist and will be presentable enough for video.

Either way, the trees will be safe. Hey! I found the upside to the downfall of newspapers!

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