The Clinical Insanity of Ann Coulter

Leave it to Ann Coulter to denounce the First Amendment.

If anyone would value the right to free speech, it's a woman who says things like, My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building.

Even by her logic it can't seem smart to bite the hand that feeds just for a pot shot at the "nuts" on the left. But more frustrating is that on the above linked page,, Coulter is identified as a journalist.

Would there be a journalist alive who would despise the First Amendment?

Coulter is of course entitled to her opinions. But I'd sleep better thinking she's seen as a rabid talking head with a book deal, not a professional journalist.

Christie Rizk @ November 3, 2005 - 11:00am

The funny thing is that she's not actually a journalist. She's certainly never studied journalism, and she's never actually worked as one either. All she does is spout her own opinion on TV. Apparently that qualifies these days.

Courtney F. Bal... @ November 3, 2005 - 10:06pm

It's frightening, isn't it? Bringing the curve down for intelligent women everywhere...

Ryan McConnell @ November 4, 2005 - 12:47am

Coulter's a twit, but I suspect she says such idiotic remarks to get booked on talk shows and sell books. She's not serious, so I wouldn't take her seriously. The sadder thing is we live in a culture that actually responds to such tactics.

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