Law suit accuses Fox News of bias...

I know this is a bit trivial but take a look at this headline in the NYT today.

Fox News Is Accused In Bias Suit

The lead of the story is:

The Equal Employment Opportunities Commission filed a federal law suit yesterday against the Fox News network, claiming it harassed and discriminated against its female employees, creating a “hostile work environment because of their sex.”

The story goes on to explain the allegations of discrimination and sexual harassment at Fox.

After reading the headline I was not at all anticipating a story on sexual discrimination. I was completely expecting a story on bias in Fox News coverage. Is it just me?

The question I put to you is... Is the headline a double-entendre - is the liberal NYT’s making a sly dig at the conservatively slanted Fox News? Or does the headline only have such connotations to those of us who are now hyper-sensitive to media bias (due to the hours spent scouring the media for anything... i mean anything... resembling media bias).

Ryan McConnell @ November 9, 2005 - 12:31am

I may be biased -- har har har -- but yes, I think the headline was a play on words.

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