Blog for Informing the US on Iraq

Vahal Abdulrahman is 24 years old, an Iraqi of Kurdish origin currently living in the Capital of the U.S., Washington D.C. He started a blog back in March 2005, which was entitled, "Dear Baghdad." He ended this valiant effort at bringing an Iraqi's view of events in his home country through the English medium, though has recently restarted his blog, but at a different URL and with a new name.

In "Iraqi Vote," Vahal hopes:

to bring to the readers of this blog an as complete a picture as possible of this historic event.

The site contains stastitical information about the various voting districts, though without much detail. From personal experience I know how difficult it is to conduct demographic information-gathering in a country where the last census was conducted many years ago during a time when Saddam Hussein was carting Iraqis all over the country to try and fit his ethnic/geographic models.

Vahal is also providing information on the candidates. I hope his experiment in this kind of informative blogging is a success, informing both expat Iraqis and Americans about the important upcoming election

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