How Could They Give This Guy Another Show???

In Op-ed columns for various publications, Michael Graham has described Islam as a terror organization. But finally, during late August 2005, Michael Graham, a then Washington based morning radio host on WMAL-AM, was booted for his comments regarding Muslims and Islam.

But somehow, Graham has weaseled back on the air on Boston talk radio WTKK-FM.

Now, I assume that I should be used to the racist comments towards Muslims by pundits that somewhere along the line became a norm in today's media establishment. In fact, when Graham was initially fired, his supporters ran to his defense claiming that ABC was violating his right to freedom of speech. (Which is interesting because these same people seem to forget that the first amendment protects citizens from government restraint of speech. ABC radio is a private company and can do whatever they see fit in such a situation).

But I don't quite understand why someone who has made such bigoted comments be given another platform to voice these sentiments of hate. But let's play with a hypothetical situation. What if Mr. Graham's made a similar statement on his talk show, about the Catholic Church being led by pedophiles?

Even if such a comment was accurate, the remark would undoubtedly create the same kind of response from the relevant groups as Graham received. I will also assume that a similar refusal to make amends and retract their comment would also result in his dismissal. However, I doubt that the same individuals that ran to his defense and stand by him to this day would do so in this other case. I also suspect that we wouldn't hear these same mouths complain about the horrors of political correctness. There just seems to be too much of an inconsistency.

Mind you, there isn't an ethnic or cultural group in the world whose members have not been accused, and in many cases convicted, of committing what most would consider rather heinous crimes. Certainly not all members of these groups are guility of these acts. Unfortunately, this certainty has been dismissed by several radio and TV personalities.

Media has the power to shape popular opinion. Michael Graham made an offensive and rather stupid comment. And he refused to apologize for it. By giving Graham another pulpit to preach from, media organizations are only helping to reinforce negative stereotypes that many people are fighting to get rid of.

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