Anyone heard of Phylotaxis?

It’s kind of like an RSS feed for science news, except much cooler, and with a much loftier different concept behind it. It’s not all that practical—in fact, you'll probably spend more time pretending you're on hallucinogens than actually reading the news—but here’s the site's official line anyhow:

Phylotaxis is an exploration of the space where science meets culture…

Without the randomness of culture, science becomes dry and predictable, imprisoned in a strict square grid. Without the rational thinking of science, culture quickly teeters towards chaos. Only when science and culture act as peers can harmony be achieved, expressed through the astonishing Phylotaxis shape.

The individual beads of the Phylotaxis represent an ever-changing zeitgeist of science news in our world, populated automatically every few hours by a computer program that scours a slew of online news sources and blogs that focus on science. The Phylotaxis is therefore beyond human control, autonomously composing its own new identity, based on what's happening in the world of science.

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