Thoughts on content versus form

It’s difficult to say what exactly makes you want to read that specific piece of writing. Is it the subject, does it have nothing to do with the subject, but rather the form in which the subject is being presented? I ideally believe that anything, no matter how dull it may seem, can become interesting. Through the choices you make when communicating. But can you also choose to have too much emphasis on the form, can structure and playing with words take control of you to a point where the subject becomes unclear? It probably depends on genre and expectations. You would normally expect a poet to use the form explicitly. Would you have the same expectation towards a piece of news journalism? Or would it be annoying to watch the subject disappear behind the word playing? I can’t help but think that any piece of written text cannot escape the fact that it is at the same time form and content. That news journalists play with words also, also have a form to fill out, but in a slightly different way. Someone said that journalists have an obligation to the truth, fiction writers don't. Maybe that is what characterizes journalism. And maybe the critique of New Journalism has something to do with this fact. That it in its form appears to be fiction, and therefore maybe appears to not be telling the truth.

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