Voice of the 9/11 Protestors

After spending the morning of September 11th, 2006 at Ground Zero for the memorial services I wondered extensively about the impact that the "Investigate 911" protestors had on the event. I have my own theories as to why they were there and even the appropriateness of their presence considering it was a day of mourning for the dead and not politics. However, I wonder why I have not seen any relevant dialogue on their presence? If the point of a journalist is to convey the facts and the people who encompass those facts... why does it seem as though they did not even exist at the memorial service on September 11th. I am not talking about a small group of twenty radical screaming protestors... these people covered the span of a block and were very visible in fact to anyone near the site. Is it ethical to omit the presence of these people whether or not it fits or doesn't fit into the "story" that particular journalist wants to tell? If you were not physically there you would have never known the protestors existed and whether or not you agree isn't it the point. I was just very annoyed at the one sided protrayal of the event. The protestors were not debating the memorial service itself but rather just provoking the masses to divulge more of what happened on September 11th, 2001. I don't see what harm there would have been in at least reporting that they were there. The absence makes it very suspicious to me as to why, first of all and whose decision it was...

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