As I was reading "AM New York" on my train ride from Harlem, I was thoroughly impressed with Venzeuelan President, Hugo Chavez, and his brash, stark statements directed toward President Bush in a speech to the United Nations yesterday. According to "AM New York," Chavez stated, "The devil came here yesterday. . .the podium still smells of sulfur still today." (ha!) I appreciate Chavez stating the obvious. According to the article, Chavez feels like the Bush administration imposes its will on the world through wars in places from Iraq to Lebanon. I don't care what anyone else thinks, Bush has not only done that, but has continued to target Muslim people in this ongoing "war on terrorism." Oh, I can't forget to comment on the most depressing part of the article. Condoleeza Rice continues to support President Bush stating, "His (Chavez's) remarks were not becoming for a head of state." What a poor represention of Black leadership in American government.

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