A Biased Media Strikes Again. . .

I read an extremely interesting article in yesterday's Am News Local section that discussed Queens being the only U.S. county where blacks out-earn whites in yearly income. The thing that i found so interesting was the biased nature in which the article was placed. The article was placed at the very bottom on the flipside in the local section. What made the placement biased was that on the front page it had a large picture of rap artist, DMX, that discussed a woman being injured during his concert. Why wasn't the article about Queens placed on the front page of the local section? The article had way more depth than a woman being injured at a rap concert. Not only do you have a county where blacks gross more money that whites, which is pretty rare, but to have it right in New York, apart of the five boroughs--that's news! Let me know if you guys happened to see the article, and what you may have thought about its placement being biased.

Jennifer Bergin @ October 3, 2006 - 7:34pm

While I understand your frustration, it deserves to be noted that this topic was also covered rather extensively by The New York Times in an article that was placed on the front page of the Metro section on Sunday.

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