Praise for the New York Times

On Page A19 of October 4, 2006's paper of the New York Times there is an full page advertisement for an organization called Although there is no other mention about the Darfur situation on the front page of the paper I was happy to see the Times allowing space for this Ad. It features an African child crying over a makeshift grave and I think it really garners sympathy for the plight of the people of Sudan. It also shames America with the words "When all the bodies have been buried in Darfur, how will history judge us?". I really liked this Ad. It politely asks for support to urge the Bush Administration to intercede and overall I was surprised to see it. I can't even complain of its positioning because it is an Ad, its huge and at least it is there to remind readers.

Sue Kim @ October 5, 2006 - 8:56am

I don't know. Isn't there an irony in our praising the Times for running an ad about Durfur? The ad is noble, but the Times must have neverthless charged for the ad.

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