Celebrities Adopting African Children

I know that in America, adoption authorities feel more comfortable giving children to adopted families of the same race. They feel that it will foster a better adjustment for the child and also a sense of identity. Recently, American celebrity couples- first Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie and now Madonna and Guy Richie have adopted African children. I applaud this effort but at the same time wonder the social problems that these children will face in the future. It is nice to say that race doesn't matter, which within their homes I'm sure it does not but in the larger world at hand I wonder how this situations will affect these children's socialization processes. I also wonder why celebrity couples are adopting African children? Is it because they are in such dire need or is it for the publicity? I can't imagine a couple adopting a child just for publicity but one has to wonder. Why would they want to take on the problems that these children have? Money can do a lot for their situations but two celebrity couples adopting African children does nothing to solve the problem. The gesture is really nice but I want to know what the plan is. An African child becomes an orphan every minute or so in Africa- what about all those children? Unfortunately, most of them will remain orphans or die due to diseases, starvation, etc... Madonna and Jolie are at least doing something to help and maybe it will spark an interest for our government to do something.

Belton-Martell ... @ October 13, 2006 - 10:50am

Interesting blog. . .Raises good questions.

Clare Trapasso @ October 16, 2006 - 2:35pm

These adoptions may be isolated incidents, but think of the impact they will have on the children. These kids can go from being impoverished and hunger-stricken to suddenly wealthy. And they garner media attention. So if someday they want to raise awareness for these issues in Africa they have the media exposure to do so.

Malika Worrall @ October 18, 2006 - 12:03pm

I too had some issues with the fact that Madonna is trying to adopt a Malawian kid. True, you could say why not bring an impoverished child into wealth (I'm sure the child's father and other relatives (his mother is dead) will do well out of it too). On the other hand, like Crystal I cannot help but wonder about Madonna's motives. If Madonna's really getting broody, why does she need to make a political statement out of her (and the child's) private life; moreover, handpicking a Malawian child just sounds a bit too designer-baby to me. But then, Africa is soooooo fashionable right now.

It may be poverty alleviating move for a couple of people in the short term, but its hardly setting a good example of the sustainable support Africa really needs right now.

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