Machismo of Israeli Men. . .

I read an interesting article in today's edition of "The New York Times" that discussed the machismo of Israel warriors and their "rakish nature." I felt that the article really gave me insight on the psyche of powerful Israel man. The article took an in-depth look at high-profile goverment officials who had been suspected of rape or violation of women. According to the article, in this culture, "it was common knowledge that their titles gave them that prerogative." Although the article mainly provided a history lesson in Israeli culture, I walked away asking myself the question, "Where are the accounts from these women who've been violated?" I felt like the article could have discussed more about how they were violated: What ways, how often, what were the consequences if they spoke out, ect. . .I thought those details would have made the story complete. What do you guys think? Or, maybe this is a taboo in the culture that's just not talked about--keep me informed.

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