Nima Muhinmanchi Art (NMA), founded by a collective of artists in Nima, Accra, aims to transform areas of the city through artistic opportunities. The non-profit leads workshops and public painting programs to stimulate creative education and empower the local youth to explore artistic expression.During weekend teaching sessions at the Nima Maamobi Community Learning Center in Kanda, Accra, children of all ages participate in art workshops. Above: Artistic Director Yussif Aminu Larry, 31, stands with Educational Director Nicholas Wayo, 38, in front of the community learning center.Since its launch in July 2011, NMA has worked to reshape perceptions of Nima, an underdeveloped neighborhood of Accra, and beautify community spaces. “We are trying to use art as a platform for social transformation,” explains Yussif Aminu Larry, co-founder of NMA.In August 2012, community volunteers and artists joined the NMA team in the Sallahfest Painting for Peace event as the Village Garden Toilet in Nima. The group painted from morning to early evening, creating a mural to commemorate Ghana’s independence.In March 2013, NMA hosted a mural painting event along the Kanda Highway, called “Imagine Accra.” Sponsored by Acrilex, the event turned an abandoned wall into a cultural and artistic destination.