
Here’s some AP news straight from yahoo.com -- “Tyra Banks Goes Undercover As Obese Woman.” They report:

Banks said she was shocked at the reaction.

"I started walking down the street and within 10 seconds, a trio of people looked at me, snickered, looked me right in my eye and started pointing and laughing in my face," the talk-show host said.

If I saw Tyra Banks walking down the street in a 350-pound fat suit I’d point and laugh too. Then I’d ask for her autograph.

The report also tells us to watch for upcoming episodes of “The Tyra Banks Show,” where:

Banks, who had a sonogram on her show in September to prove that her breasts are real, is also planning a Nov. 18 segment on pursuing "a beautiful booty."

She will reveal her own "dimpled butt" and receive endermologie treatment on the set.

I’ve seen a lot of weird things, but clearly Tyra Banks is taking investigative reporting to a new level. . . the absurd. And the AP is eating it up, “dimpled butt” and all. Is this news?

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