Kirsten Vala's blog

Coulter Protest

Should an aspiring journalist join a group that hates hate?

Submitted by Kirsten Vala on December 9, 2005 - 1:24am.


Wal-Mart is taking out ads in local newspapers in order to build better “community relations.” I don’t know who this reflects more negatively on, the newspapers or Wal-Mart.

Submitted by Kirsten Vala on December 9, 2005 - 12:46am.


Should journalists, if they want to remain professionally credible, make a point of not marrying politicians? Ideally, yes.

Submitted by Kirsten Vala on December 9, 2005 - 12:19am.


Wow. . The Pulitzer Prize is changing its rules to keep up with the changing world of journalism.

Submitted by Kirsten Vala on December 8, 2005 - 12:16am.

Resume, please.

It may sound absurd to request the dead terrorist’s resume, but if the government is overstating his importance then journalists have a responsibility to find the truth, to weed out the propaganda.

Submitted by Kirsten Vala on December 6, 2005 - 1:55am.

"It Girl"

I love seeing women reporters in war zones, but why are successful women always subjected to stereotypical criticisms?

Submitted by Kirsten Vala on December 2, 2005 - 9:01pm.

A New Theory

"There's a lot of innocent actions in all of this." - Woodward

Submitted by Kirsten Vala on November 16, 2005 - 8:47pm.


And, another journalist joins the fray.

Submitted by Kirsten Vala on November 16, 2005 - 8:15pm.


NEW YORK (AP) -- A media Web site scheduled to debut Wednesday will seek to blend traditional journalism with the freeform commentary developed through the emerging Web format known as blogs.

Submitted by Kirsten Vala on November 16, 2005 - 2:22am.

Newspaper Science

I’m not saying that newspapers should stop trying to tackle complex scientific research and issues, but I do think that they could be a lot more “fair and balanced” in their coverage.

Submitted by Kirsten Vala on November 10, 2005 - 12:02am.

A Deal, a Memo, & a Note

“Ms. Miller could not be reached for comment.”

Submitted by Kirsten Vala on November 9, 2005 - 10:25pm.

Good Luck

“Journalists should report news, not make news.”

Submitted by Kirsten Vala on November 7, 2005 - 10:18pm.


If I saw Tyra Banks walking down the street in a 350-pound fat suit I’d point and laugh too. Then I’d ask for her autograph.

Submitted by Kirsten Vala on November 3, 2005 - 2:29am.

In Defense of Change

Now that the romanticized “Deep Throat” has been replaced by “Scooter Libby,” has the era of anonymous sources come to an end?

Submitted by Kirsten Vala on November 3, 2005 - 2:04am.

Mapes vs. CBS

She blamed CBS for staging an ''upside-down, inside-out reenactment of the famous face-off between Murrow and McCarthy. At this new CBS, the journalists were the bad guys." - AP

Submitted by Kirsten Vala on November 1, 2005 - 12:29am.
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