Links Library: Educational Resources

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Afghanistan: Culture, Conflict, neighbors and religion

Map of Afghanistan

Map of Afghanistan and its neighboring countries.

Afghanistan Online

This site offers brief introductions to this country’s people, traditions, religion and culture and organizes lists of external links.

Neighboring Nation: Pakistan

Pakistan’s official government site

Journalists’s Guide to Arab Americans and Arab Culture

This site is designed to inform and educate people about Arab Americans. It lists 100 questions, designed to facilitate a more intimate understanding of Arab culture. Questions are broken up into subjects including religion, family, customs, politics.

The CIA’s Afghanistan Fact Book

Just the facts on Afghanistan’s geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation and military.

Islamicity’s FAQ

Islam means "submission" and derives from a word meaning "peace." This site offers a basic introduction to Islam and Islamic doctrines in the form of FAQ.

Osama bin Laden

PBS Frontline on bin Laden

PBS Frontline’s "Hunting bin Laden," a recently updated collection of bin Laden interviews, timelines, and background. With contributions from New York Times reporters and Frontline correspondent Lowell Bergman. Who is this wealthy Saudi Arabian exile with the $5 million bounty on his head?

MSNBC: FAQ’s on bin Laden

Can bin Laden travel outside of Afghanistan? How is his health? Find out on MSNBC.

BBC News

This BBC News article on Osama bin Laden presents an easily-digested overview of his beliefs and political affiliations.

FBI’s Ten Most Wanted List

The FBI’s bin Laden: Height: 6’4’’ to 6’6’’; walks with a cane; armed and extremely dangerous

Time Magazine on bin Laden

This article addresses the oft repeated question of late: Why does Osama bin Laden, the most wanted man in the world, have such deep-seated loathing for America?


Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (1998 Article)

WRMEA special report from 1998, just as the Taliban had gained control over almost two-thirds of Afghanistan.

USA Today’s "Taliban at a Glance"

Briefs on the Taliban’s leaders, opposition and rise to power. on "Afghanistan’s Taliban Rulers"

In an August 2001 article, CNN reported that, "under Taliban rule, the future for Afghanistan and its people is uncertain." Now we might add the future of the world into that sentence.


Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

What is terrorism? Some basic facts from FEMA.

Profile of bin Laden’s Terrorist Acts

Bin Laden’s profile and a list of some terrorist acts in which he is implicated."

Columbia University’s Links on Political Violence in the Middle East

The Post on Penetrating Terrorist Networks

Understanding the challenges facing America’s spymasters.

Washington Monthly on Anthrax .

There’s Anthrax on the Subway. Who You Gonna Call (May 2000)?

Congressional Research Service Reports

A lists of links to CRS Reports on intelligence related issues.

Terrorism reports from conservative and libertarian think tanks.

The Heritage Foundation

National Center for Policy Analysis

Center for Strategic and International Studies

Cato on Terrorism click here and here.

Recent and past articles by Cato Scholars, arranged to address current issues: balancing security with civil liberties, retaliation, the role of intelligence and the further threat of terrorism.

Terrorism reports from RAND

Recent RAND Research and Writings on Terrorism

Reports include linked commentary from Rand staff as published in the Los Angeles Times, San Diego Union Tribune and San Francisco Chronicle

Terrorism Information from the Brookings Institution

Scholars from the Brookings Institution discuss America’s options for a response and assess the Bush administration’s performance thus far.

NYU’s Global Beat

The Global Beat, a non-profit organization linked with NYU, is a resource center for journalists to get background information on international political situations. The Beat provides information on the terrorist attacks on America, as well as more general information on the politics of the countries involved.

URBAN LEGENDS’s Urban Legends offers a special section on the attacks in its regular column about Urban Legends, moderated by David Emery, urban folklore expert. Did CNN use fake footage of Palestinian’s celebrating the WTC attacks? Emery says no.


The Engineering News Record

The Engineering News Record provides a brief history of the construction of the World Trade Center. "Why two 110-story buildings not one 220-story building?"

Eric Darton, World Trade Center Biographer

Daron’s site provides information that is not is not found in his book, Divided We Stand, A Biography of New York’s World Trade Center, including a reference to some of the research tools that Darton used to write his cultural history. The information given is more personal than factual, including Darton’s personal experiences at the World Trade Center, a photo and art gallery, and a building history.

WTC Stats

This fact sheet gives the basic stats on the World Trade Center.