Movie values

Concern about the waning number of theater goers seeped into the Oscar ceremony. A variable pricing business model might just bolster the industry.

Like Brokeback Mountain, ABC got Crash(ed)

The TV audience of the ABC broadcasting of the Oscars ceremony went down last Sunday in comparison to last year. They said that 38.8 million people watched it this year while 42.1 watched it last year..

Awww mom....just let me join

It's not just on college campuses - secondary schools are required to give military recruiters student contact information under NCLB.

That's the M.I.A. thang

M.I.A., the artist who made it safe for indie kids to listen to dancehall, got absolutely huge without the help of mainstream radio or anyone huge players in the music biz. Her secret to out-manouvering the established pecking order of the music industry? Super hot beats, infectious choruses, and the internet.

Cost breakdown of H.R. 4167

How much will it cost to lower our food-safety standards?

Media highs and lows

This week’s LGBTQ media highs and lows

Body dysmorphic disorder

Ever felt like your nose was a bit too large? Or maybe that your ears stuck out a little too far? Chances are, you've noticed some physical flaw in your appearance at one time or another. It's only natural. But what if that one perceived defect took over your life?

Transphobia mutes abuse and success

Helena Stone and Lily B. McBeth are each examples of trans invisibility.

Is New Orleans Safe?

While local sources say that there is no reason to be particularly concerned about asthma, residents offer empirical evidence otherwise as they leave the town they love because New Orleans is suffocating them.

Islam to rule the world?

Iranian president Ahmadinejad makes bold claims for the faithful.

Cosby finds nothing funny about his house, being cloned.

It's no secret that Bill Cosby has lately generated more controversy than you'd expect out of a guy with such a fatherly demeanor and a sincere love for pudding pops. It's not Cosby's political stances that are shaking up the digital world, however. It's his lawyers, and their attempt to set the laws surrounding parody and satire back a good 50 years in order to protect the pristine, heavenly glow of the Cosby legacy.

Obesity and the ever-expanding human body

Gluttony, laziness and capitalism at their finest.

Food-safety standards soon to be uniformly lax

Food industry bigwigs must be rubbing their hands with glee as Congress proposes a bill for food uniformity. The proposal, under the guise of "standardization," is a nefarious attempt to undermine states' authority regarding food-safety and, in effect, lower standards overall.

Manipulating Your Mind

A recent study indicates that Buddhist monks are capable of “alter[ing] the structure and function” of their brains through sheer force of will or--err . . . active non-resistance.

Why is Barbara Walters still here?

I was watching Barbara Walters' special show on the Oscars two days ago and was thinking to myself: "This is the worst show I have ever seen! Why is it being broadcast?”