Making sure your papers are in order

In a stunning but obviously not unprecedented example of politicians not having anything resembling a clue regarding the value of new technologies and the way that they function, a bill has been proposed in New Jersey that would require all open forums on the whole (frickin'!) internet to demand ID from everybody, you know, to keep tabs on who's saying what. Is this 1984 knocking at our door, or just tech-phobia taken to a ludicrous extreme? Maybe a bit of both.

No more Chef on South Park—thanks to Scientology?

Citing “bigotry” Isaac Hayes, a scientologist, leaves South Park

Mayoral Madness

The first mayoral debate took place on Tuesday night, beginning what promises to be a very ironically entertaining election period.

A Yeti Crab and a Nessie Theory

I thought it was a hoax when I first saw the picture, but the “Yeti Crab” seems to be for real.

Tourist Journalists

Lately people have been working so hard just to keep up morale that to have a stranger come down and party for a week, then predict that we will be washed away again but won’t care is insulting and injurious.

Don't be afraid of your genes

Will advances in genetics result in a vast social engineering project? And is genetic determinism a myth?

One internet for them, another one for us

The notion of a potential "e-mail tax" has haunted the online world since the days when people would ask you if you'd get charged by the phone company every time your 2400 baud modem started shrieking those sweet, sweet connection noises at the top of its digital lungs. Is some shadowy government agency or corporation finally buying up the internet and turning our (ideally) freely communicative world into a "pay-to-play" environment? Not exactly, but AOL has something up its sleeve in their little corner of the internet that could have a serious impact on free communication in the long run.

Subdermal Implants

3-D body modification for those who want to "customize their flesh."

Designers flocking to the homeland

While many young designers are flocking to the American coasts, some are moving a little closer to the heartland.

Decoding Consciousness

V.S. Ramachandran believes mirror neurons may be the key to consciousness.

Jeweler’s turning fashion-forward

As the market gets heavy, jewelers are becoming trendy and celebrity conscious.

Strange Sightings in the Backyard

Sploid, a consistently good source for freaky animal news, has a story today about a mysterious creature that’s turned up at the Tyco Electronics headquarters in North Carolina. It’s a lovely, graceful thing that looks like a dog crossed with a fox crossed with a faun.

A face that is worth a lot

A new horror movie featuring the first face transplanted woman is about to be released.

Avril wants to sell you a handbag

For someone who spent so much time scowling at the camera, I find the idea of her as model of the high-end products she now covets as kind of ironic.

Of Dogs and Politics

The other night, a friend of mine from Cincinnati told me that there was a town across the river in Kentucky that had a dog for a mayor. Like most stories that people in bars tell about animals, this one turns out to be true.