Politics and the Arts

Chinese playing Japanese? Englishmen playing Indians? They're actors -- it's what they do!

The Da Vinci Challenge

Film studios are now promoting criticism of their upcoming releases?? Whoa!

She's a lady

It’s a problem when a female journalist who is anything but a sociologist or social scientist pretends to be a man and then writes a book about it.

What's funny?

V.S. Ramachandran’s professional interest in laughter began about ten years ago in Vellore, India, when he was asked to evaluate a patient with a bad case of pain asymbolia.

WTO votes for GM crops

The U.S. is at it again, foisting genetically modified products upon consumers who are openly opposed to them. The latest WTO ruling may reignite the bitter debate on GM foods. All this trouble just so Monsanto, Dow and big agri-biotech companies can earn an even greater return on their investments.

Big brother is watching, and he is reading all the crappy poetry you wrote in high school

The EFF has taken a strong stance against Google's "Search Across Computers" function of its Google Desktop software. The feature indexes and stories copies of all the Word Documents, PDFs, etc., on a user's computer. Those of you concerned about being monitored, continue to be concerned.

Double Standards?

Is there really a double standard in the application of free speech to justify criticism of religion?

Playing gay

So long as they’re teaching straight men to dress well and homemakers to decoupage they’re okay.


What happens when movie stars are photographed like models? Go to any newsstand and look at the front page of any fashion/star magazine. Half of the last issue of W is about Hollywood, an actress is on the cover. Vanity Fair has 42 pages of Hollywood stars shot like models.

"The greatest revolution of all"

V.S Ramachandran says that understanding the byzantine circuitry of the human brain will eventually enable us to answer the existential questions that have plagued philosophers for centuries.

Free breast implants: Why more women aren't signing up

Despite being eligible for medical insurance that would cover the cost of breast implants, most post-mastectomy patients prefer to leave well enough alone. I can't say I blame them.

What is Pepsi doing with denim?

The soda pop conglomerate is trying its hands at apparel design … utterly ridiculous!

Wal-Mart continues its reign of terror discounting

Could an apparel line really up the $285 billion retailer’s ante?

Face-Off: The Sequel

Isabelle Dinoire reveals her face to the world and sparks a debate on the ethics and future of facial transplant surgeries.

Let's treat them like royalty

A work of art lasts forever. The artist's commercial rights should, too.