Essays by:
Orville Schell, Some Ruminations on Journalism Schools
As Columbia Turns
Medsger, Getting Journalism
Education Out of the Way
Robert Manoff, Democratic Journalism and the Republican Subject:
Or, the Real American Dream and What Journalism Educators Can Do
About It
Michael Bromley, Journalism
Still Dodges the Big Questions: A View From Australia
Gregorian, Journalism, the Quintessential Knowledge Profession,
has an Information Problem
William Serrin,
Time to Retire All the Old Arguments About Journalism School
Les Gura,
Journalism is Thinkology. Now How Do You Teach That?
James Traub,
The Crisis is Not in Here, But Out there: Journalism as Pedagogy
L. Glasser, What Difference Does a Journalism Education
Katz, Bollinger's Windbags Won't Do Much Without the
Cole C.
Campbell, One Heresy for Every Verity: What if Columbia's
Team of Journalism All-Stars Went to School?
G. Stuart Adam,
A Provost's Advice on Bollinger's Quest
Dan Kennedy,
Strip It Down, Go Eclectic: J-School Should Stop Getting in the
Way of a Real Education
Brooke Kroeger,
Journalism With A Scholar's Intent
Wayne Robins,
Wimps of the Roundtable and Other Challenges for Journalism Schools
Jay Rosen,
Taking Bollinger's Course on the American Press
Ron Rosenbaum,
Columbia's J-School Needs to Consider Trollopian Retooling
Stephens, A J-School Manifesto