One of the enduring legacies of The East Village Other is the degree to which it brought aspects of art and design to the newspaper format. Many of the inspired layouts had never before been attempted and paved the way for future alternative publications. Please click on the thumbnails below to view these pioneering "graphix".
East Village Other newsstand poster. Courtesy of Charlie Frick.
East Village Other newsstand poster. Courtesy of Charlie Frick.
Poster advertising “The Community Breast,” a benefit for the East Village
hosted by EVO. Courtesy of Charlie Frick.
Caricature of EVO office. Artwork by Yossarian. Courtesy of Charlie Frick.
Poster advertisement for EVO. Courtesy of Charlie Frick.
Layout for an issue of Gothic Blimp Works. Courtesy of Charlie Frick.
Photo of EVO staff. Courtesy of Charlie Frick.
Advertising rate card. Courtesy of Charlie Frick.
Advertising rate card. Courtesy of Charlie Frick.
EVO poster advertising a Central Park “Be-In.” Artwork by Kim Deitch.
Courtesy of Charlie Frick.
East Village Other newsstand poster. Courtesy of Charlie Frick.
East Village Other newsstand poster. Courtesy of Charlie Frick.