- Perry Anderson, Considerations on Western Marxism (New Left Books, 1976; Verso 1994)
- Daniel Bell, The End of Ideology: On the Exhaustion of Political Ideas in the Fifties (The Free Press, 1960; Harvard University Press, 2000)
- Harold Cruse, The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual (William Morrow & Co., 1967; 1984)
- Morris Dickstein, Double Agent: The Critic and Society (Oxford University Press, 1992; 1996)
- Malcolm Gladwell, The Tipping Point (Little Brown & Co., 2000; Paperback January, 2002)
- Louis Hartz, The Liberal Tradition in America: An Interpretation of American Political Thought Since the Revolution (Harcourt Brace, 1955; Harvest Books, 1991)
- Richard Hofstadter, Anti-intellectualism in American Life (Knopf, 1963; Vintage, 1972)
- Robert Hughes, The Culture of Complaint: The Fraying of America (American Philological Association, 1993; Harvill Press, 1999)
- Michael Ignatieff, The Warrior's Honor: Ethnic War and the Modern Conscience (Henry Holt & Co., 1998; Owl Books, 1998)
- Russell Jacoby, The Last Intellectuals (Basic Books, 1987; 2000)
- Naomi Klein, No Logo (Picador USA, January 2000; December 2000)
- Jane Kramer, Whose Art Is It? (Duke University Press, 1994)
- Jane Kramer, The Politics of Memory (1996)
- Christopher Lasch, The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations (W. W. Norton & Co., 1978; 1991)
- Christopher Lasch, The New Radicalism in America 1889-1963: The Intellectual As a Social Type (Vintage Books, 1965; W.W. Norton & Co., 1997)
- Christopher Lasch, The Agony of the American Left
- C. Wright Mills, The Sociological Imagination (HTK 1959; Oxford University Press, 2000)
- C. Wright Mills, White Collar: The American Middle Classes (Oxford University Press, 1951; 1983)
- Richard Pells, Liberal Mind in a Conservative Age: American Intellectuals in the 1940s and 1950s (Harper and Row, 1985; Wesleyan University Press, 1994)
- Richard Rorty, Achieving Our Country: Leftist Thought in Twentieth-Century America (Harvard University Press, 1998; 1999)
- Ron Rosenbaum, The Secret Parts of Fortune: Three Decades of Intense Investigations and Edgy Enthusiasms (Random House, 2000; HarperPerennial, 2001)
- Ron Rosenbaum, Explaining Hitler: The Search for the Origins of His Evil (Random House, 1998; HarperCollins, 1999)
- John Seabrook, Nobrow: The Marketing of Culture and the Culture of Marketing (Knopf, 2000; Vintage, 2001)
- Joseph Stiglitz, Globalization and its Discontents (2002)
- Lionel Trilling, The Liberal Imagination (Viking, 1950; Harcourt Trade Publishers, 1979)
- Alan Wald, The New York Intellectuals: The Rise and Decline of the Anti-Stalinist Left from the 1930's to the 1980's (University of North Carolina Press, 1987)
- Lawrence Weschler, Boggs: A Comedy of Values (University of Chicago Press, 1999)
- Lawrence Weschler, Calamities of Exile (University of Chicago Press, 1998; 1999)
- Lawrence Weschler, Mr. Wilson's Cabinet of Wonders (Vintage, 1996)
- Lawrence Weschler, A Miracle, A Universe: Settling Accounts With Torturers (University of Chicago Press, 1998)
- Raymond Williams, Culture and Society 1780-1950 (Columbia University Press, 1983, originally published in 1959)