The Nail in the Coffin
The world’s first paper to launch a digital version using electronic paper (e-paper) has arrived. This month, De Tijd, a daily Belgium financial paper, has given 200 subscribers a portable device to test the new system.
The world’s first paper to launch a digital version using electronic paper (e-paper) has arrived. This month, De Tijd, a daily Belgium financial paper, has given 200 subscribers a portable device to test the new system.
As I sit on my bed tonight flipping through the channels, I come across the bloated face of the biggest liar on the planet right now, Barry Bonds.
It seems that Major League Baseball just can't avoid controversy. Bud Selig, the commisioner of MLB, has appointed former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell to head the internal investigation of steroids in baseball.
YouTube is finally being censored ... by itself. Reuters reports that YouTube is taking off all videos over 10 minutes long due to the consistency in which such videos violate copyright laws.
I am so sick of the nightly cable news show hosts, along the lines of Greta Van Susteren, Donny Deutsch and Rita Cosby. What really gets to me is their generalist attitude; the fact that in certain subjects they just are not any more knowledgable than me or you.
Looks do matter, especially when you are playing catch-up. As a sports fan I check up on at least several times a day, but I have become increasingly upset about some of its content choices recently.
Did Hollywood make the right decision in choosing a political comedian to host its biggest show of the year? No.
Blogging was once an activity where people posted casually on their thoughts and ideas, and just to get opinions or information out to the public.
Through all of my studies of the media, more often than not I am reading or hearing about the evil of media conglomeration. Some say fewer voices will be heard if the media is in the power of a few, especially those that are focused on making money more than disseminating news.
Throughout my entire career at NYU I have listened to how the media is “liberal” and “left.” And through my Bias in the News Media class, this area was hardly discussed, leaving me with the question: Is there really hard evidence out there to prove this assertion?
A group blog exploring our media world. Produced by the Digital Journalism: Blogging course at New York University, Spring 2007.
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