Curb Your Enthusiasm, Huffington

Arianna Huffington screwed up. She knows it, George Clooney knows it, the blogosphere knows it, and now, the nation. On March 13, Huffington strung together a bunch of comments George Clooney made to other media outlets regarding the war in Iraq.

The problem?

She attributed the article to Gorgeous George, and both Clooney and the rest of the blogosphere called her out. Best of all? In her apology, Huffington used Clooney’s lack of knowledge about blogs as part of her reasoning for posting the thing in the first place.

Seriously, Huffington? Whether you agree with her viewpoints or not, The Huffington Post gets some major traffic on our beloved ‘net, and it’s a setback in establishing journalistic credibility for bloggers (whether they want it or not) if we can’t even make sure who wrote what. That’s like putting Al Gore’s name in the byline of a “Best of Bush-isms” feature. Can someone say (a perfect) firestorm?

Look, Huffington –– you called Danny Ocean a liar and a thief. But he’s no liar.


A group blog exploring our media world. Produced by the Digital Journalism: Blogging course at New York University, Spring 2007.

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