Did anyone else see this article in amNewYork on Wednesday? Summary for lazy nonclickers: Some rental listings on Craigslist offer reduced rent to a female willing to provide sex. Authorities say it would be considered prostitution, but no sex actually goes on and the ads are for voyeuristic purposes.
I think it's really sweet that police spokesman Paul Browne and his crew of investigators are showing such compassion for male sex drives, er, the human tendency to use sex for marketing purposes. I'm just waiting for a listing from a female. "Reduced rent for males willing to provide sex." Hmm...that doesn't sound so funny, does it?
Here's a more thorough article from MiamaHerald.com that discusses the ads posted from Florida. (Yes, this is a national trend, not just crazy NYers.)
Travis Carter @ Mon, 04/10/2006 - 6:31pm
I have heard of this sort of thing before and even seen some stuff on TV about it. I guess the police figure they have bigger fish to fry and that going after sex-hungry Craigslist users isn't worth the effort. That, or the police are just feeding the press some bull to try and convince theses guys (or gilrs) they have nothing to worry about. So maybe there is a sting in the making. Either way, the police won't have to look far to set-up somebody with people advertising their wants so easily.