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My days of citywide exams are over; meanwhile my little brother is thrown into the "Communication Age" of test preparation. He and his peers have a website built for them to look up test results, take practice tests in specific areas, and provide test taking tips. My brother has also received assignments from his teachers to utilize the practice quizzes on the website as well.

With schools starting to utilize the internet, and the advantages it brings, will most tutoring programs (barring vital ones such as SATs) begin to diminish in value?

Thankfully, right now it's not having any negative impact on tutoring programs and is acting like a supplement like it should be. The "No Child Left Behind Act" helps this by creating more anxiety within parents to have their children succeed in elementary school. Plus, private tutors are expected to see more growth in the next few years because of this act.

It is for the best that is stays that way as well no matter what features get placed on the internet. Walking and talking, flesh and blood tutors shouldn't be thrown away because of the lack of cost and and convenience of online test preparation. This is one place where you can't replace the old school way. After all those 0s and 1s can provide pre-installed explanations for my brother, but can he ask them to clarify on something if he doesn't understand? No.


A group blog exploring our media world. Produced by the Digital Journalism: Blogging course at New York University, Spring 2007.

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