Watching the news this morning I learned of yet another school shooting plot that, thankfully, was stopped before it was carried out. But are the media inadvertently inspiring these acts?
I understand that it is the job of the news media to deliver the news. And I understand that Columbine HAD to be covered, otherwise the news media wouldn't be doing their job. But all I can wonder is if in describing EXACTLY how the Columbine kids carried out their horrible act -- from the clothes they wore to the homemade weapons they used -- and talking about each time a new plot is uncovered, this is making those actions more popular, even perpetuating them.
Similar to the post on the idea that all publicity is good publicity, could this publicity, however, backlash?
And I wonder if something like this is done solely for attention, and perhaps to make the news ... and later, maybe even a movie.
I think news people need to take a serious step back and evaluate exactly how they're covering things, so they don't accidently contribute and become part of the conspiracy -- or worse, teach future plotters where the others went wrong.
Julia Song @ Tue, 04/25/2006 - 2:46pm
I was just thinking of this too. Crimes do happen based on movies or novels, don't they? I've wondered whether shows like CSI would lead to imitated crimes. I understand your point that the media needs to be careful, but I think things like the Columbine shooting definitely needs to be covered.